Dress Code

Many people have asked about the dress code for the weekend's events. Some (hopefully) helpful comments are given below. If you have any further questions don't hesitate to get in touch.

(Friday 26th)

Smart-casual is the guideline here. If you plan to dance (which we hope you do) make sure you're wearing something you can dance in! Nothing too formal as we'll have plenty of that over the rest of the weekend!

Rehearsals and Karaoke
(Saturday 27th)

Most definitely casual for both. This could easily be a long day, so wear something comfortable, particularly if you are planning to take part in the numbers which include dancing (see the schedule for details).

There isn't much time between rehearsals ending and the karaoke beginning, so feel free just to wear what you've been wearing during the day (unless of course you have planned a 'highly rehearsed and flamboyantly costumed performance spectacular', in which case you will no doubt have some sort of costume). This is designed to be a relaxed event before we kick everything off on the Sunday.

(Sunday 28th)

If you are performing in the concert, please either:

There will be limited time and very limited facilities for changing afterwards. Some numbers may incorporate small pieces of costume, which will be organised and discussed with you by the Musical Directors and Choreographers on the Saturday.

(Sunday 28th)

Formal - i.e. suits or kilts for the men, and dresses for the ladies. Ladies, feel free to go for a ballgown if you wish, but don't feel that it's necessary - a simple evening dress or cocktail dress will do just as well. For the gentlemen, some form of neckwear is highly preferred - no shirt shall be without a tie! Again though, do make sure you are comfortable as dinner will be followed by yet more dancing to top off the celebrations.